Re: New User Model and Publish Users
Hi all, Jumping in to verify what Support said above: In the User Subscription Model, Membership is determined by core asset permissions. Permissions dictate what actions a user can and can’t take on…1 · -
Re: Adding Hour Duration to your project schedule and predeccesors
Hi @JM1 I answered your other post, here, as well. Smartsheet doesn't currently have the ability to set Time along with dates as the Start/End of tasks. You can set a Duration to be in hours (ex. 3h)…1 · -
Re: datedif substitute in smartsheet
Hi @CLMini Smartsheet does not currently have a DATEDIF function that will automatically calculate this for you. The way I would find this calculation is by using the MONTH and YEAR functions to pull…1 · -
Re: Set Slack Automations to Tag a User
Hi @Shannon Steffes There currently isn't a way to have the Smartsheet notification sent to Slack automatically @mention a specific person within the information sent. You will want to start a thread…2 · -
Re: Collaboration in Smartsheet (Saving)
Hi @Cory_OWA Working in Reports and Dynamic Views are also a good way to go about this! 🙂 This post is a little older - my personal advice today would be to use the new Views which auto-save as you w…1 ·